Konkurs-natječaj za karikaturiste


English down below

Konkurs-natječaj za karikaturiste


Pozivamo sve zainteresirane karikaturiste, profesionalce i amatere, na prvi digitalni konkurs za karikaturu MaxMinus-a, drugi prvoga nedjeljnog elektronskog časopisa za političku satiru, humor, karikaturu i strip na Balkanu (http://maxminus.weebly.com ).

Pravo sudjelovanja imaju svi  građani svijeta, bez obzira na rasu i boju kože, vjersku i stranačku pripadnost, spol i dob. Jedini uvjet su originalne karikature ( ne plagijati) u digitalnoj formi.

Tema: 1) Ravnopravnost ( medju narodima, ljudima, spolovima itd)

2) Portret karikatura (slobodan izbor)

Nagrade: Prvonagradjene  karikature u svakoj kategoriji dobit ce diplomu i  objavljivanje u specijalnom broju DIOGEN pro-art magazina     (http://diogen.weebly.com ) sa  četrdeset radova prvonagrađenih autora za svaku od navedenih tema;

Drugo i trece nagradjeni dobijaju diplome MaxMinusijade;

Junior nagrade, za karikaturiste mlađe od 18 godina – diploma

Broj radova:  maksimalno  pet

Format:    A4,  200dpi,

Datum za prijem radova: 15. Novembar  2011.

Rezultati će biti objavljeni u decembarskom broju Maxminusa

Radove ce procijeniti strucni ziri

Uz radove treba poslati naziv karikatura, godinu nastanka, kracu biografiju i sliku ili autokarikaturu, e- mail adresu i kucnu adresu i broj telefona.

Radovi se primaju na adresu Maxminusa i autora konkursa.






Info: http://maxminus.weebly.com/maxminusijada-2011.html


The competition- for cartoonist


We invite all interested cartoonist, professionals and amateurs, to join the first digital competition for cartoons of MaxMinus, the second of the first magazine for political satire, humor, cartoon and comic on Balkan peninsula (http://maxminus.weebly.com ).

Eligible to participate are the citizens of the world, regardless of race and skin color, religion and party affiliation, gender and age. The only requirement of the original cartoons (no plagiarism) in digital form.

Topics: 1) Gender (among nations and people, gender, etc)
2) Portrait of a caricature (free choice)

Awards: winning cartoons in each category will receive a certificate and publication in a special issue DIOGENES pro-art magazine (http://diogen.weebly.com ) published forty works of the one who wis the first prize by each of these topics;
The second and third places will be awarded with  diploma of MaxMinusijada;
Junior Prize, for the cartoonist to 18 years old – Diploma

Number of papers: a maximum of five

Format: A4, 200dpi,

Date for receipt of papers: 15th November 2011.

Results will be published in the December issue of Maxminus

Works will evaluate the expert jury

Along with the works need to send the name of the cartoon, the year of origination, short biography and a picture or caricature of yourself, e-mail address, home address and phone number.

Papers should be sent to the address Maxminusa and by competition. authors




petar.pismestrovic @ chello.at


Info: http://maxminus.weebly.com/maxminusijada-2011.html

Srdačan pozdrav/Sincerely

PR DIOGEN pro kultura

MaxMinus magazin



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